Poem – Hearts and Heels

Well here I am again – another Saturday and another poem! This week’s poem is one of the first poems I ever wrote, back in February. The idea for it came to me randomly in bed one night, and the next morning I wrote it out. (Brain-storming in bed is a pretty great way to get ideas, I’ve found :D) The central truth that it is based around is the fact that people who are hurt by others often will hurt others in return. Broken people often break others. But instead of me telling you about it, I’ll just let it speak for itself!

Hearts and Heels

a heel comes down

on a fragile vase

for a brief moment

it gives a weak resistance

then shatters

under the weight of the heel

the shattered pieces sparkle

bathed in sunlight

but when

the heel comes down again

expecting another failed resistance

it instead encounters

sharp shards

that pierce

and draw blood.

whole, the vase is beautiful

but weak

shattered, the vase harms

and pierces

broken things

can fight back too.

words rain down

on a fragile heart

for a brief moment

it gives a weak resistance

then shatters

under the cruelty of the words

the shattered pieces sparkle

bathed in tears

but when

the words rain down again

expecting another failed resistance

they instead encounter

sharp shards

that pierce

and draw blood

whole, the heart is beautiful

but weak

shattered, the heart harms

and pierces.

broken things

can fight back too