Memories of a Reading Streak

It all started back in the summer of 2018. I was going to be a senior in high school, and I had big plans for my future. Not only was I aspiring to go to university to study English & Biblical Studies, but my chosen university was also 5000 miles across the world in America. (I don’t think that 17 year old me quite realized the magnitude of those plans back then – but that’s irrelevant to this story :D) With my head full of dreams and anticipations, I was in full ‘enjoy summer’ mode, fully aware that this was my last summer before everything in my life changed. My family and I visited the US early in the summer, and while there I picked up a fair few books. The Reading Promise was one of them. 

the reading promise
The Reading Promise – Alice Ozma

This book tells the author’s story of the reading streak that she and her Father shared from the time she was in 4th grade to when she left for college. It’s a beautifully written book, and I, being the reading enthusiast I am, heartily enjoyed it. I then passed it onto my Mum so she could enjoy it. And that was it as far as I was concerned. Read another good book, onto the next one…

A few weeks later, towards the end of the summer, my Mum approached me. “Hey, I was thinking it would be cool to do our own reading streak, like the one in that book,” she proposed. I was intrigued but hesitant. “I think it would be a really cool thing to do for your last year at home,” she continued. “I’m willing to give it a try if you are.”

I had nothing to lose. I liked the idea of reading consistently with my Mum, just like Alice and her Father had. The Reading Promise had whetted my appetite for reading out loud, and the  competitive streak in me liked the idea of seeing how long we could keep the reading streak going. “Sure, let’s do it!” I agreed. 

Little did I know what books the next 387 days of my life would hold in store for me. Nor could I have imagined just how precious that time with my Mum would become. 


We set up two ground rules before starting our streak. 

  1. Mum always had to read out loud to me. No me reading to her. No listening to audio books. Mum reading to me. 100% of the time.
  2. We had to read for at least 10 minutes a day for it to count. We could read for as long as we wanted, but 10 minutes was the minimum. 

And, as a little guiding principle, we decided to try and alternate between reading fiction and non-fiction.

And so, on August 2nd 2018, my Mum and I began our reading streak. 


brown girl dreaming
Brown Girl Dreaming – Jaqueline Woodson

It wasn’t exactly the most thrilling of starts. It was a hot afternoon, and Mum had been in bed with a migraine all day. She came down with Brown Girl Dreaming in her hands – “Ready to start?” She asked. And so with that, we started. I was lounging on a mattress that was randomly in our school room, she was sitting up cross-legged on the floor – her reading, me listening. The windows were open and I could hear the shouts of the neighbourhood kids outside. The clatter of the dinner dishes echoed in the kitchen. But I was being swept away to a world of poetry, where words flew like butterflies, sun-warmed and soft to my ears. 


nurturing the nations
Nurturing the Nations – Darrow L. Miller

By the time we started our next book, Nurturing the Nations, summer was on its way out. I remember reading this book at night, the glare of the living room lights bright against the French doors of the living room that were shut against the dim of evening. The plight of the women recorded in this book was sobering, but the discoveries my Mum and I made together about the roots of feminism were invigorating. What would feminism look like had it not been taken and twisted by the liberals? Would womanhood around the world look different if the original feminists were still around today? The questions this book brought up weren’t easy, but I was glad to be able to navigate them with the woman whose example I respect most in the world.


a tale of two cities
A Tale of Two Cities – Charles Dickens

We started A Tale of Two Cities one evening while on our holiday by the sea, in the first week of September. It was my first proper foray into Dickens, and Mum’s first since high school, so we tackled the old language and complex story together. Time passed, and as the story progressed, school started, along with my first official job at an after school club.

I remember many an afternoon where I would get ready for work in my room, as Mum read aloud about the trials and triumphs of Doctor and Lucie Manette. The world of treason and guillotines seemed so far away as I put mascara on and did my hair. But then it would loom scarily close when I would lay on the floor and let the story press heavy on my eyelids. Chapter done, I would remove myself from the dangerous streets of Paris or London, and cycle off downtown to work for the afternoon. 


war of words
War of Words – Paul David Tripp

Next up was this non-fiction book focusing on communication issues. I struggled listening to this one. For some reason it was hard for me to get into, and I found it easy to drift off on my own brain adventures while Mum read this to me. Fortunately, Mum soon caught onto the fact that I wasn’t clicking with this book, and suggested a change. She suggested that I sit next to her and read over her shoulder while she read to me. Perhaps both hearing and seeing the words might just do the trick. And so it did. I found I could connect far better with what the author was saying, and I also found that he was actually saying some very insightful things. Who’d have thought! 😀 


mother carey's chickens
Mother Carey’s Chickens – Kate Douglas Wiggin

We didn’t own this delightful book in hard copy, so Mum had to learn how to wrangle my lovely little Kindle in order to read this one. We both became quickly enchanted by the sweet story of a newly fatherless family’s struggle to pick up the pieces of their lives and move on. With wise Mother Carey at the helm, her brood of children learn many life lessons along the way. It was often evening when we read this book, and I have memories of hanging up laundry or doing dishes after dinner while Mum read to me. It seemed somehow fitting to do household chores as we read this vintage story of a family forced to work together to keep going after the death of their beloved father and husband. Thankfully my beloved father was still very much alive and would wander in and listen in a slightly amused air as Mum and I read. I don’t think he’s quite learned the art of appreciating Vintage family novels. 😀


i saw three ships
I Saw Three Ships – Elizabeth Gouge

Before we knew it, Christmas was upon us! My grandparents flew in from the US to celebrate with us, and there was great feasting and merriment in the house. Even sickness couldn’t dampen the joy of the day, and we had a precious few evenings where Mum read this book aloud to all of us. It was but a wee little book, but a sweet read. And it was made sweeter because of the sparkle of Christmas lights, the warmth of blankets, and the presence of three generations of family all together.


aogg my daughter and me
Anne of Green Gables, my Daughter & Me – Lorilee Craker

I received this book for Christmas and Mum and I began to read it on Boxing Day. As huge AoGG fans, we were immediately enamoured by this book. Though non-fiction, it read like a story. The author expertly weaves together her own life story, along with the life story of L.M. Montgomery, and of course, our beloved (fictional) Anne Shirley. As 2018 turned to 2019, we read this book all over the house – I sprawled across Mum’s bed, sat on the kitchen floor, folded laundry in the living room – all the while listening to this beautiful book unfold. I didn’t want it to finish, and when it did, I immediately started searching for other comparable books. This was one of those beautiful finds that I call ‘literary non-fiction’ – books about books – and it did my heart good…


This post is getting long, so the saga of my Reading Streak will be continued next week… See you then!!

Book Lover Tag + Exciting-Ness

Yes, I know exciting-ness isn’t a word, and as a future English student I should probably be using better grammar in my blog posts. But I think the word fits my feelings right now, so I’m going to roll with it… 😀 So, what’s the reason for this exciting-ness?? Well, there are two reasons actually…

#1… I now officially have over 200 followers on this blog! *cue screams of disbelief and excitement* How even?! As of now, the count is at 203 and I’m actually flabbergasted at that number. 203 people found this blog interesting enough to follow it?! Wow, I’m honoured, guys.

#2… Today is my two year blogging anniversary! Yes that’s right. Two years ago today I wrote my first official post on this blog. And again, I’m slightly in shock. I never dreamed that I would be here two years later, a pretty large band of followers in tow, still sharing my writing consistently every week. I have learnt so much during these past two years, and have met some amazing people on my blogging journey.

So, as I said – exciting-ness abounds!! I’m so grateful to everyone that has followed along on my blogging journey, reading my posts, commenting, and sharing. Your support really means a lot to me as a relatively young and inexperienced writer. I think I speak for all young writers when I say that your support is invaluable. These past two years have been a blast, and I’m looking forward to the future! *raises glass of whatever drink suits your fancy* So here’s to the future of The Way of Delight – may it live long and prosper! 😀

Ahem. Anyways. Now that those exciting announcements are out of the way, I have an equally interesting post to share. 😀 A couple weeks ago I was tagged by Grace from Proclaiming His Excellencies to do a fun book-lover tag. And I figured that since books seem to feature rather prominently on this blog, today is the perfect day to answer these bookish questions. So without further ado, let’s get on to the tag!



Tag Rules:

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their blog. (Thanks for the tag, Grace!)

2. Include the Book-Lover Blog Tag graphic and rules in your post.

3. Answer the questions.

4. Nominate at least 5 new bloggers to do the tag.

Okey doke, seems simple enough. Now to answer some questions… 🙂 And because I’m feeling in the mood for it, I’m going to impose another restriction on myself. xD You might know that I’m a huge fan of L.M. Montgomery’s writings (I certainly have fan-girled enough over her on this blog haha). So I’m hereby am personally dubbing this my L.M Montgomery Book Lover Blog Tag! (In other words, I’m going to answer all these questions from LMM books as appropriate.) 

1. What is your favorite thing about reading?

One of my favourite things about reading LMM books is the familiarity and yet the newness of it all. I’ve read all of her books multiple times now, and they all feel like old friends. But at the same time, each time I read one of her books I feel like I’m discovering them all over again! There’s something about the unique characters and plots that gives each book a spice of something that I rediscover when I read them. I love it! 

2. Which male character is your favorite?

No suprise here. The prize just has to go to Gilbert Blythe for being the most perfect fictional male on the face of the novel world. There’s just something about his charm and humour and heart that just endears him to me. And there’s the fact that his romance is with my all time favourite female character…

3. Which female character is your favorite?

Who just happens to be Anne Shirley. 😀 Her imagination, her spirit, her love for life, her writer’s heart – these are just some of the things that have made this red-headed orphan girl my favourite. I absolutely love watching her grow and develop throughout her eight books. There’s something so beautiful about watching her journey from a fiery girl to a dreamer and a writer, to a wife and then a golden-hearted mother. Her zest for life and incorrigible humour and love for people is just… gah! In case you can’t tell, I love this character a lot. 😀

4. Who is your favorite villain of all time?

I’m not entirely sure that there are ‘villains’ of such in LMM’s various books. I’ll just go with a few characters I personally don’t like. xD

  • Mrs Fredrick Stirling from The Blue Castle. She’s most horrible and I must confess that I am incredibly happy when Valency metaphorically kicks Mrs Stirling’s butt by leaving and starting a life of her own. xD
  • Mrs Campbell & The Woman from Anne of Windy Willows. A formidable duo who, together, manage to make little Elizabeth’s life rather miserable. Horrid old creatures. *shakes fist*

5. Who is your least favorite character of all time?

Oh wait, I guess I kinda answered that in the last question. Oh well, I can always come up with more awful characters of LMM’s creation. She seems to specialize in disagreeable female characters for some reason… And I love her for it. 😀

  • Josie Pye, from the Anne series, for instance. Now she’s a disagreeable character. Jealous, snide, vain, and oh so ‘Pye-ish’. Incorrigibly ‘Pye-ish’ in fact, and with not a redeeming feature to claim that I can think of.
  • Doreen Garrison from Pat of Silver Bush. Oh what an awful woman! She’s the very opposite of what a mother should be, all shallow beauty and fake care and total absence. She broke Jingle’s heart, and I shall never forgive her for it.

6. Which book do you think has the strongest plot?

Hmm, I would probably have to go for either Rilla of Ingleside, or The Blue Castle – two of my absolute favourite LMM books. Rilla has a heavier plot compared to the rest of the Anne books, but oh how it stirs the heart. It has death and new life, sorrow and joy, dark pain and bright hope – all bound up in such a beautiful story. As for The Blue Castle – well, the journey it takes the reader on is just marvellous. It starts in such an awful hopeless situation, and rises to such colourful life and beauty. There is humour and heart and hope woven through out this whole story, and I highly recommend it.

7. What gets on your nerves the most in a story (a boring character, an unrealistic plot, etc.)?

To be honest, there is very little that gets on my nerves in an LMM book. I love pretty much everything about every book or story I’ve ever read by her. However, if I had to have one quibble, it would be that sometimes her plots can become rather predictable, particularly in a lot of her short stories… Certainly in the romance scene, the whole woman-playing-hard-to-get-and-then-realizing-her-mistake-after-a-very-long-time plot becomes slightly old after a while. But then it’s kind of my fault really. Because if I insist on reading all of her short stories back to back, I’m bound to start seeing predictable patterns after a while. What writer doesn’t have them? So yeah, it’s a minor thing that gets on my nerves, and is rather easily removed by not reading too many of her short stories in a row. 😀

8. Which book has the best cover (share a picture!)?

Ah yes… I’m saving the best for last. You see, I’ve amassed quite the eclectic collection of LMM books over the years. I picked the majority of them because of their gorgeous covers, so here are three of my favourites for your viewing pleasure. 😉 

This was my first ever LMM book and will ever remain my favourite.
This little darling is rather battered, but the story inside is just as sweet and whimsical as the front cover.
The colour and detail of this cover is just stunning. Even more so than the picture lets on!


And that just about concludes this wonderful {L. M. Montgomery} Book Lover Blog Tag! I just need to tag some people… 

Bea @ The Treasure Within

Ruqs @ Many Things Bookish

Caleb @ A Young Writer’s Blog

Jessie @ Jessie Bingham

Friend @ Jeans and Dresses

(Please note, the whole LMM aspect of this tag was added by me personally and is not part of the official tag. :D)


Right, if you’ve got to the end of this rather long post, congratulations! Thank you for reading, and most of all thank you for your support that has made these past two years possible! I’ll see y’all next week. 😉 

Let’s chat! How long have you been reading The Way of Delight? What’s been your favourite post from this blog? And what are your thoughts on L.M. Montgomery? Favourite characters that she’s written?

Behind the Pen Photo Challenge – Week 1

Hello! I’m super excited for this blog post today, because it is the first in a four week photo challenge! This challenge was created by the lovely Beth, from Behind the Pen, and I’m super excited to be taking part in it! 🙂

The way it works is simple. Every Saturday in the month of April I will be posting photos in response to the writing-themed prompts that Beth has created. This will give you a little visual snippet into the many facets of my writing life non-existent as it is at this current moment due to exams. I’ve never done something like this before, and it looks to be grand fun! (I will also do a bonus post at some point with my top books of March, so keep an eye out for that!)

Soooo, without further ado, let’s get on to the Behind the Pen Photo Challenge!! 😀


*My Writing Essentials*

My writing essentials are pretty simple… My laptop and a Word document! 99% of my writing is done on Word – I can keep up with my brain much easier with typing than with hand writing. Plus editing is way easier on a laptop.


*My Favourite Book*

Well of course… 😀 Anne of Green Gables is very near and dear to my heart – it is just such a delightful book! Gah, I love it. ❤
And I must admit I am slightly head-over-heels for this particular copy of the book… It’s just so perfect!! 😀


*My Favourite Bookmark*

These little bookmarks are so clever! My family was gifted with a tin of them for Christmas, and I may or may not have sequestered them away for my own personal use. 😀 They’re subtle, handy, little things, not to mention rather stylish when slipped over a page…

*My Favourite Notebook/Pen*

I was given this notebook for my birthday, and it immediately became my favourite notebook of all time. Not just because it has an ‘Anne of Green Gables’ quote on the front…
…but because the lines in the notebook are actually made up of the words of AoGG! They’re absolutely miniscule, but it’s just so cool! 😀
Oh, the pen is nothing special – just a ball point that I was given during one of my university visits. But seeing as I don’t have one especially ‘favourite’ pen, and I’m using this one a lot at the current moment, it seemed like a good choice to go with. 😀 And no, I haven’t actually written in this notebook yet – it’s just so pretty I don’t want to mess it up! But I will one day… When the perfect inspiration strikes! 😀


*My Bookshelf*

I actually have multiple bookshelves (of course. What else would you expect? :D). But this one contains all my very favourite books, so I figured I’d share it with you all. Have you read any of these books?


*My Favourite Writing Quote*

paper breathings heart
There are so many good quotes about writing, it’s hard to pick just one! But this one really resonates with me – writing really is just spilling your heart onto paper, and sharing that heart is what I try to do on this blog. (picture snagged from here)


That’s all for today! I know it was a bit more book focused than writing focused this week – but hey, almost all writers were first of all readers, amiright? 😀 And don’t worry, there will be plenty of writerly things coming up in the weeks ahead! 😉

And if you’re a writer, you should definitely check out doing this photo challenge! You can find out more about it here. Let me know if you end up doing it – I’d love to see your photos! 🙂