NaPoWriMo 2020 Update #4 & Poem – Fight For This Fairy Tale

Hello there! I write this as a woman who has officially finished both my Freshman year of college as well as NaPoWriMo 2020 – I couldn’t be more relieved! πŸ˜€ It’s definitely been a crazy week for me, full of finals and frantic paper writing and many late nights. But it’s all done now and I’m ever so glad! It’s a weird feeling to not actually have any homework to get done – I keep catching myself thinking about if I need to get anything done! So far in my newly found freedom from school, I have baked a cake, gone on a walk, talked to people and slept a lot. All delightfully relaxing things. It’s nice to have a break before my life restarts back up, as I am anticipating it will do so after I fly home to England and get a job.Β 

I also finished NaPoWriMo 2020 this week, which is another cause for celebration. I finished this poetry writing challenge approximately 30 minutes after I turned in my last assignment of my Freshman year. I may or may not have written three poems in one day in order to catch up, but that’s besides the point. πŸ˜€ I’m really happy with myself for completing this challenge – not only do I feel that I have expanded and grown my writing repertoire, but I also feel that this has been a really helpful exercise in processing a lot of emotions that I’ve been wrestling with over this month. It’s really weird to think that I finished of NaPoWriMo 2019 while travelling around Europe on a family road trip, while this year I completed this challenge while under lock down because of the Covid-19 pandemic. My, how much can change in a year! But despite the adverse circumstances, I really enjoyed writing poetry consistently this month. And I hope that this will help inspire me to continue in the weeks and months to come!

The poem that I’m sharing today is based on a prompt that I found on the good ol’ reliable Pinterest – that ever useful fount of inspiration. πŸ˜€ The prompt was ‘fight for the fairy tale’… And as someone who has an ongoing love with fairy tales and the impact they have, I just knew I had to write something on this prompt. Here is the result… πŸ™‚


Fight for this fairy tale, you almost grownup you.


Fight for the golden wonder and mystery of magic, elusive and ever present.

Fight for the dragon whose scales are dulled with the smut of smoke and flame.

Fight for the princess, beauty fading with time, now asleep and alone in a tower of disbelief.

Fight for the prince with still and heavy hands closed around the blade of a rusting sword.

Fight for the castle still standing with rambling roses and a brave and tattered banner.

Fight for the triumph of good over the encroaching darkness of evil.

Fight for winged, mystic creatures slipping away into the whispered lore of the past.

Fight for the brightness of fairy dust, the song of the nymph, and the laughter of the elves.

Fight for the once upon a time and the happily ever after.


Remember your childhood wonder, and fight

for this fairy tale that you once loved.


So there you have it – this Pinterest inspired poem, and the end of my NaPoWriMo journey for this year. Thank you for following along with my writing adventures this past month. I’ve had a wonderful time writing, and I hope that these poems have encouraged and inspired you! πŸ™‚Β 

Β Does this poem ring true with you? How have fairy tales impacted you? I’d love to chat about this poem in the comments!Β